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With clearly defined strategic goals, Jem World is foraying as an efficient higher-end construction and Infrastructure company. Since the establishment, Jem World's vision is to be a highly respectful, knowledge based innovative Global enterprise, by providing superior and innovative construction solutions to customer needs.

Within the company, there is no discrimination based on nationality, culture or religion, and gender. We are an equal opportunity employer, and intensely follow fair employment practices.

The continual improvement of health protection, safety and the environment is an integral part of Jem World's strategy. Jem World will always practice good ethical propositions in it's Business Process, and avoids any of the work done by children in its operations in any form, and follows labour act strictly.

Management Board


The role of the Management Board of the Company is regulated by legislation of the Republic of India, principally embodied in the Companies Act. It is also regulated by Jem World's corporate by-laws.

The main task of the Management Board is to represent the best interests of the Company taken as a whole, to ensure the growth and maintenance of a successful business.

All members of the Management Board are having a wide range of knowledge and experience, which they contribute to the Management Board's deliberations.


One of the most important characteristics of a successful company is aiming to generate value for itself and the clients in its intention, as well as skilful members of the Management Board, who protect the best interest of the Company and to achieve the long-term objectives of the Organization as a whole.


The work of the Management Board is regulated by the Company's corporate by-laws and Business ethics.
The Management Board (in its own capacity) is responsible for ensuring that the Company is run with integrity, complies with legal and regulatory requirements and best practice and conducts its business in accordance with high ethical standards.

Members of the Management and Advisory Board will not disclose confidential information about the business activities of Jem World to third parties (other than to Jem World's legal or financial advisers).

Jem World has adopted a Code of values and Principles contained in the Listing of Jem World's Value System and Principles will always be practiced in to our way of being. The Company will maintain an objective and professional relationship with its auditors.

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